Current Research Projects
Sustainable off-grid extraction of sesame oil and local food products based on sesame press cake to address food security and enhance rural economy in Indonesia (SUNSES).
Sustainable off-grid extraction of sesame oil and local food products based on sesame press cake to address food security and enhance rural economy in Indonesia (SUNSES).
Project start: 01.10. 2024
Project finished: 01.10.2025
Project description:
Indonesia, renowned for its expansive rural landscapes, grapples with persistent issues of extreme poverty, malnutrition, and unequal resource distribution. Around 9.4% of population resides below the national poverty threshold, equating to around 25 million individuals, with poverty rates disproportionately higher in rural areas. Based on the 2023 Global Hunger Index, Indonesia ranks 69th out of 113 countries in food security. According to UNICEF, malnutrition poses significant challenges, with stunting affecting about 30% of children under age of five, highlighting a persistent issue of chronic malnutrition. As reported by the Asian Development Bank (2023), for every 1,000 infants born in Indonesia in 2022, 21 of them passed away before reaching their fifth birthday.
Indonesia has significant potential for solar energy due to its geographical position near the equator, providing abundant sunlight throughout the year. The country receives an average solar radiation of 4.8 kWh/m²/day, which makes solar energy a highly viable option for its energy needs. Nevertheless, fossil fuels dominate the country's energy mix, accounting for 81% of electrical energy, while solar energy remains underutilized despite Indonesia's tropical climate. The Indonesian government has recognized the need to accelerate the adoption of solar energy. Efforts include various programs aimed at deploying solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in unelectrified villages and remote regions to replace diesel-based generation.
In Indonesia, sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) cultivation is significantly underdeveloped, with only 8,500 ha dedicated to the crop in 2023, compared to the vast areas planted with paddy rice (10.2 million ha) and palm oil (16.8 million ha). Sesame, known for its drought tolerance and ease of integration into crop rotations with paddy rice, presents a sustainable solution for improving rural infrastructure and food security. Nevertheless, local sesame yields are around 465 kg/ha, substantially lower than the potential 1,600 kg/ha. Despite its benefits, sesame remains a minor crop in Indonesia. Addressing this productivity gap is essential for enhancing sesame’s status and economic potential.
Due to its high oil content (up to 60%), sesame is considered to be both economically and nutritionally valuable. Sesame oil contains significant amounts of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, flavonoid phenolic anti-oxidants and vitamin E, with the γ-tocopherol being the most predominant, accounting for up to 95% of the total tocopherol content. Moreover, the natural amino acids or antioxidants in the sesame oil can be a natural replacement for cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Based on its properties, sesame oil has a great potential as replacement of palm oil for cooking. Sesame oil, especially cold-pressed, commands premium prices in developed countries, enhancing the economic viability of the crop. On the other hand, sesame press cake, the solid residue remaining after oil extraction, is highly valuable due to its high content of food-grade protein (40 - 50%) with a well-balanced amino acid composition. Rich in sulfurized amino acids like cysteine and methionine, it offers antioxidant properties and helps preserve normal cell function.
In this project, the technical and economic performance of the solar-powered processing hub, optimizing the production and storage of sesame oil and food products derived from sesame press cake, will be assessed. By addressing the knowledge gaps related to drought-tolerant crop exploitation, viable solar-powered processing, and innovative by-product utilization, this project seeks to enhance local economies, improve food security, and promote a bio-based economy in rural Indonesia. Leveraging sesame’s nutritional and economic potential and implementing sustainable processing technologies will foster a resilient agricultural sector capable of addressing the challenges of food security and rural development.
Beteiligte Personen
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller
- Dr. Shamaila Zia-Khan
- Dr. Fetriyuna (Padjadjaran University, Indonesia)
- Dr. Klaus Meissner
- MSc. J.W. Bonzi
Beteiligte Einrichtungen
- Institut für Agrartechnik, FG Tropen und Subtropen (440e)
- Padjadjaran University, Indonesia
- Stiftung fiat panis – Projektnummer: 21/2024
ALBAMAP - Science-to-field. Optimal production of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) in Albania
Project begin: 01.05.2021
Project end: 30.04.2024
Project goal
Albania has a long tradition in the production of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs). The high international demand for MAPs led to a doubling of MAP production between 2010 and 2016 a doubling of MAP production. However, the steady increase in MAP production in Albania also brought problems. On the one hand, the recycling of wild MAPs increased more and more while on the other hand, MAPs were also cultivated in unsuitable locations with unfavorable conditions and corresponding negative effects on crop quality. Therefore the objective is to actually optimize sage and lemon balm production. The influence of abiotic factors such as water and nutrients on biomass production as well as on yield and quality of essential oils will be investigated in a structured way. Also, a crop and site specific control and forecasting system (CPS) and the wetting front detector sensor will be developed.
- Dr. Shamaila Zia-Khan (Project coordinator)
- Dr. Shkelqim Karaj
Participating Institutions
- Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Tropis and Subtropics Group (440e)
- University of Tirana
- Agro-MAP
- Automation & Software PiKT
Development and testing of a humidity control system for the storage of tomatoes in a solar cold room in Africa
Projektbeginn: 01.12.2023
Cold storage systems minimize postharvest losses and preserve the quality of fruits and vegetables but are not used much in tropical countries because of high investment and operating costs. This is related to the expensive cooling systems, which also create greenhouse gases resulting from the energy used to operate the equipment and the inherent global warming potential of the refrigerant. Therefore, the Institute of Agricultural Engineering in the Tropics and Subtropics (ATS) of the University of Hohehnheim (UHOH) is working on solutions for PV-based cooling systems.
Solar cold storage rooms are based on intelligent control of the energy flow to convert as much of the PV electricity as possible into ice stored in the water chiller and then to a pumping system connected to a heat exchanger for removing heat from the crop stored in the cold room to the target temperature. Currently, the relative humidity is not yet controlled in solar cold rooms. This parameter must be determined and regulated, considering the physiological characteristics of the crop, the packing conditions and the storage period. Otherwise, there is a risk of quality reduction and postharvest losses. Therefore the ATS is interested in developing a control management system for solar cold storage rooms.
Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller, Dr. Klaus Meissner, MSc. Deborah Kaufmann
Teilnehmende Einrichtungen:
Institut für Agrartechnik, FG Tropen und Subtropen (440e), NSPRI (Nigeria)
Förderer: Stiftung fiat panis
AMAIZE-P - Detecting phosphate status in soil and in maize canopies by non-invasive methods (IRTG "Adaptation of maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources”)
Project start: 01.10.2018
Projckt end: 31.10.2024
Project goal
The fate of phosphate in the environment equals an open cycle. Phosphate is supplied by mining and fertilizer production, followed by different steps of phosphate utilisation, including primary production, animal feed, human food and conversion of biomass to energy and raw materials, with accumulation in soils, little return and in particular severe environmental losses. Most importantly, phosphate is a limited essential nutrient (350 years lifetime). It is unknown how the steps within the cycle will react and interact, if phosphate is increasingly limited and economic pressure escalates as a result. Closing cycles and reducing primary phosphate consumption are fundamental future challenges.
Globally, maize is one of the most important crops, with high phosphate sensitivity, therefore, ideal for studying the consequences of phosphate limitation. China and Germany together cover the whole variation of maize production systems in food-feed-energy supply chains and a wide range of climatic conditions.
Research is driven by the hypothesis that under phosphate limited conditions, high productivity and high phosphate use efficiency can be achieved simultaneously by adapting phosphate cycling and availability (sources) to the multipurpose phosphate demands (sinks) in maize based food-feed-energy systems.
In an interdisciplinary system oriented approach, twelve complementary research groups at the China Agricultural University (Beijing) and at the University of Hohenheim investigate (1) the genetic potential of maize populations and mechanisms of their ability to adapt to limited phosphate supply, (2) maize cultivation under limited phosphate supply at field scale, (3) mechanistic interactions of related products with their utilization in human and animal nutrition, and phosphate recovery by biomass conversion. (4) An economic evaluation will be done at plot, farm, region and sector levels, taking market effects into consideration. Joint field experiments in China and Germany allow for complementary and compara-tive analyses. Genetic and molecular approaches, modern spectroscopic methods, economic sur-veys and modelling approaches at different scales will be used.
Phosphate status differs both, spatially and temporally in the soil and in the crop canopy during plant growth. Due to high expenditure of time and costs of standard chemical analyses, phosphate patterns in soils are typically monitored in a large grid size of about one sample per ha once per year, which is far to coarse at given variability. Encouraged by the successful example of optical nitrogen sensors for on-the-go measurement in plant canopies, the research idea of RS 2.3 is the investigation of the spectral absorbance behaviour of phosphate in soil and plant tissues in visible, near infrared and mid infrared (VIS-NIR-MIR) wavelengths range. Machine learning will enable the development of optical measurement systems for non-invasive, quasi-continuous detection of phosphate status.
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller
- Alice Reineke
- Prof. Xiongkui He (CAU)
Participating Institutions
- Institute for Agricultural Engineering, Tropics and Subtropics Group (440e)
- China Agricultural University (CAU)
DFG - German Research Foundation328017493/GRK 2366
Applications of solar cooling devices for a better quality and safety management of perishable foods in West Africa (SoCoWA)
Food products are generally prone to biological, chemical and physical contamination, especially perishable commodities such as fruits, vegetables, fishery products. Post-harvest losses of these products (from the point of harvest until the crop reaches the consumer) can range between 30 to 100% (Venus et al., 2013; Rao, 2015; Wu et al., 2018). Therefore, reducing post-harvest losses is a leading strategy for ensuring global food security. In West Africa, especially hot and humid conditions, poor storage facilities, and poor transportation systems lead to deterioration of perishable foods (Venus et al., 2013). Temperature management in cold storage systems is mostly the first requirement to maintain a good quality of fruits and vegetables and relative humidity is the second condition of importance (Ramaswamy and Marcotte, 2005; Siddiqui and Ali, 2017; Steele, 2018). Therefore, the Institute of Agricultural Engineering in the Tropics and Subtropics (440e) of the University of Hohenheim is working on PV-based cooling systems. In this project solutions for PV-based cooling systems are developed together with the University of Abomey-Calavi, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences in Jericho-Cotonou (Benin Republic).
Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller
Dr. Bilhate Chala
Dr. Klaus Meissner
Teilnehmende Einrichtungen:
Institut für Agrartechnik, FG Tropen und Subtropen (440e)
University of Abomey-Calavi, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, Benin Republic
Förderer: DFG
Biostar - Sustainable Bioergies for Food Processing SME’s of Rural territories in West Africa
Project begin: Oktober 2019
Project end: February 2025
Project goal
The general objective of BioStar, is to contribute to energy and food security through development of a bioenergy sector that responds to Food Processing SME’s needs.Specifically, BioStar aims at promoting a sustainable development of food processing SME’s in the rural area through innovation in sustainable Bioenergy production and optimisation of processes for food transformation. BioStar aims also at contributing to the emergence of a Bioenergy Industry by stimulating its organisation and consultation framework. Concretely, BioStar focuses to support technical and organisational innovation and a multidisciplinary knowledge management through:
- innovative pilot equipment testing at the level of food processing units to improve energy efficiency,
- promoting innovation platforms for use of renewable energy sources in Food Processing SME’s
- organisation of a bioenergy sector by capacity building of experts in energy and equipment suppliers in order to ensure an audit, installation and maintenance service.
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller
- Dr. Klaus Meissner
- Dr. Sebastian Romuli
- Janvier Ntwali
Participating Institutions
- Institut für Agrartechnik, FG Tropen und Subtropen (440e)
- Landesanstalt für Agrartechnik und Bioenergie (740)
- CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development)
- 12 further partners in Europe and West Africa
- EU Commission (FOOD 2018 / 041-107)
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CLIFOOD - German-Ethiopian SDG Graduate School “Climate Change Effects on Food Security"
Projckt beginn: 01.09.2016
Project end: 31.12.2025
Project goal
Food security is highly sensitive to climate risks in the Eastern African region. Food production, access to markets, and income from agricultural activities are connected inseparably with climate-related events and food security crises. The German-Ethiopian SDG-Graduate School entitled ‘Climate change effects on food security’ (CLIFOOD) aims at empowering young academics of HEIs on the African continent focusing on SDGs: No poverty, Zero hunger, Good health and well-being, Quality education, Climate action, Life on land, Partnerships for the goals. Main objective of CLIFOOD is the education of African students at the (post) doctorate level to address the threats of climate change to food security in the Eastern African region. Furthermore, CLIFOOD strengthens bilateral partnerships between higher education institutions in Germany and Ethiopia, supports relevant, high-quality educational offerings of structured study courses on research subjects, achieves greatest possible multidisciplinary research, qualifies specialized experts and lecturers at doctorate and postdoc level, and contributes towards the joint development of innovative solutions to higher education and SDG topics.
Agriculture is the backbone of the Ethiopian economy, but climate change strongly affects food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ethiopia is facing severe droughts having impacts on the lives and livelihoods of farmers. Demand-driven research on climate change and food security will be conducted and improved within CLIFOOD with special reference to the Agenda 2030 and its SDGs. Interdisciplinary research on adaptation strategies for agriculture is conducted with respect to weed control, livestock production, food and feed crops, soil health, grain quality, farming households, human nutrition as well as seasonal weather forecasts.
Qualification program
CLIFOOD offers a unique interdisciplinary qualification program for PhD students and Postdocs. According to the research areas, it conveys knowledge and methods from a wide range of disciplines like soil science, physics, meteorology, (agro)ecology, crop science, livestock science, agricultural economics, and nutritional and food sciences.
- M.Sc. Williams O. Anteyi
- M.Sc. Fasil Mequanint Rettie
- Dr. sc. agr. Nicole Schönleber
- Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Schwitalla
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thilo Streck
- Alemu Tolemariam Ejeta
- M.B.A. Tetyana Tonkoshkur
- Dr. Christian Troost
- Markos Ware
- Dr. rer. nat. Kirsten Warrach-Sagi
- PD Dr. Frank Rasche
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller
- M.Sc. Haimanot Ayele
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger
- Prof. Dr. sc. agr. Reiner Doluschitz
- PhD Susanne Dreschl-Bogale
- Prof. Dr. Jan Frank
- Mekides Gardi
- Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Gayler
- apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Petra Högy
- Dr. Sajid Latif
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Volker Wulfmeyer
Participating Institutions
- Department of Agroecology of the Tropics and Subtropics
- Institute of Physics and Meteorology
- Institute of Landscape and Plant Ecology
- Institute of Nutritional Sciences
- Institute of Soil Science and Site Ecology
- Institute of Agricultural Engineering
- Food Security Center (FSC)
- Department of Physics and Meteorology
- Department of Economics of Land Use in the Tropics and Subtropics (Josef G. Knoll Professorship)
- Department of Biogeophysics
- Department of Biofunctionality of Food
- Instittute of Agricultural Engineering, Tropics and Subtropics Group
- Institute of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (Hans Ruthenberg Institute)
- Supported by the DAAD program Bilateral SDG Graduate Schools, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Design, construction and on-site optimization of a solar-biomass hybrid flatbed dryer for drying maize cobs in Rwanda
Project start: March 2022
Project end: February 2023
Project goal
Maize is an important staple crop in Rwanda due to climate conditions, in-field pre-drying difficult and necessitating adequate drying to prevent contamination of maize by moulds and mycotoxins. Rwanda maize production has increased tremendously in recent years but the postharvest losses are still high due to insufficient drying with an average annual loss of up to 16 % dry weight. Efforts have been put in place to assist small holder farmers to reduce postharvest losses in the maize value chain. The rural aggregation model is one of these strategies where farmers supply dried maize cobs to aggregators who take over the remaining postharvest handling process. In this project, a biomass – solar hybrid flatbed maize cob dryer will be designed, constructed and tested for energy efficiency at farm gate in Rwanda. the dryer will be equipped with an energy efficient biomass burner and a PV – system to supply the energy to the fan.
Participating Institutions
- Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Tropics and Subtropics Group (440e)
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller
- Dr. Sebastian Romuli
- Janvier Ntwali
- Joevin Bonzi
- Van Lengerich Foundation

EMPLEMENT - Empowering urban regions for cooperative, synergistic and practical implementation of sustainability and resilience strategies considering the urban-rural nexus - Agriculture, Soil and Capacity Development in Da Nang and Quang Nam province
Definition phase
- Project start: 01.07.2019
- Project end: 31.04.2021
R&D phase
- Project start: 01.06.2021
- Project end: 31.05.2025
Project goal
Rapid urbanisation confronts cities and their surrounding regions with major challenges due to the increasing consumption of resources and its subsequent impact, but also in terms of vulnerability to sudden changes/threats. To meet these challenges, e.g. with regard to adequate supply and disposal infrastructure (water, energy, "safe food", waste, wastewater), corresponding strategies and plans must be implemented in practice. emplement! aims to develop transferable methods and tools and the necessary capacities to enable administrations and involved actors in the city of Da Nang and the neighbouring province of Quang Nam (Central Vietnam) to translate relevant strategies and plans into practical, efficient and sustainable as well as resilient measures that work together in synergy - both on the planning and the practical level. It is important within the implementation approach to anchor aspects of sustainability and climate protection and to strengthen resilience through intensive cooperation in the urban-rural context.
For the R&D phase, implementation activities such as pilot projects will be carried out within four fields of action (Tourism, Agriculture, Industry, Built Environment). The University of Hohenheim will contribute on the agricultural sector specifically on the post-harvest area with mainly drying fruits and oil extraction. The pilot projects will be accompanied and analysed scientifically with developed or adapted methods, taking into account the conceptual and technical as well as trans-sectoral synergies between the four fields of action and in the urban-regional context. Based on the results, a comprehensive, transferable methodology will be developed for application in other Asian cities and contexts. The pilot projects are designed in such a way that they can be conceptually and technically networked with each other and transferred to other regional contexts.
Appropriate training and workshops will be conducted to meet the capacity development needs expressed by the Vietnamese side. The results from emplement! will be methodically processed and made available as toolbox. The project thus makes important contributions in the areas of practical implementation processes (approach, problem analysis, speed, excellence of technical implementation, communication, involvement of actors, etc.), strengthening local competencies and general implementation research.
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller
- Dr. Sebastian Romuli
- Farah Mrabet
Participating Instutions
- Instiutute of Agricultural Engineering, Tropics and Subtropics Group (440e)
- AT-Verband, Verband zur Förderung angepasster sozial- und umweltverträglicher Technologien e.V., Stuttgart (Management)
- University of Tübingen/ Geography
- IZES GmbH/ Infrastructure und Commune Development
- Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences / Institute for Architecture Civil Engineering and Geomatics
- Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences/ Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Da Nang Institute for Socio-Economic Development (DISED)
- Provincial People's Committee of Quang Nam Province, Tam Ky
- UN-Habitat Vietnam Office, Hano
- Da Nang Architecture University (DAU)
- DLR with financial support of BMBF, FKZ.01LE1902E
MiteSens - UAV-based monitoring system for spider mites in greenhouse cultivation
Project begin: 01.03.2020
Project end: 31.03.2023
Projekt goal
The aim of the joint project is to develop a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle)-based monitoring system for spider mites in strawberries, cucumbers and roses grown under glass (MiteSens). MiteSens should be able to detect early infestation of plant leaves with spider mites as well as to monitor corresponding control measures with predators and/or integrable plant protection products (acaricides) and to evaluate their success. MiteSens is based on imaging techniques. In combination with a UAV with intelligent flight control as camera carrier, a high spatiotemporal resolution of the spider mite monitoring, a non-contact application as well as an autonomous application is basically possible. The derivation of the necessary infestation information (location, intensity, spatiotemporal dynamics of the spider mite infestation) from the localized image information is based on a machine learning approach, which performs the corresponding evaluations in real time, thus enabling a rapid response to a possible infestation and, moreover, can be used for different crops.
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller (Projektleiter)
- Dr. Klaus Spohrer (Verbundkoordinator)
- Boris Mandrapa
Participating Institutions
- Institut für Agrartechnik, Fg. Agrartechnik in den Tropen und Subtropen (440e)
- Wolution GmbH & Co. KG
- Ingenieurbüro Bauer GmbH
- Hochschule Karlsruhe
- Staatliche Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Gartenbau (LVG) Heidelberg
- Landwirtschaftliches Technologiezentrum (LTZ) Augustenberg
- Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL)
PMC Pattern Management - A wholistic approach for a sustainable, site-specific agriculture in Westchina
Project begin: 01.07.2019
Project end:: 30.03.2023
Projekt goal
The overall objective of the collaborative project is the development, exemplary application and practical investigation of pattern management (PM) for cotton and corn production in China. PM is a new, holistic approach for sustainable, site-specific agriculture. It enables optimized crop management in terms of fertilization, crop protection and irrigation and is based on three pillars. Spatial cultivation patterns are created in the field through partially structured land management (pillar 1). These are optically recorded with various cameras (infrared, hyperspectral) attached to an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and then centrally evaluated (pillar 2). Spatiotemporal recommendations regarding fertilization, plant protection and irrigation are derived from the evaluated and sited image data and implemented site-specifically by means of adapted application procedures (pillar 1). All information is stored, processed and evaluated in a geodatabase (pillar 3). The recorded spatiotemporal condition data of the fields as well as the corresponding spatially specific recommendations for action are displayed by means of a web portal with a user-friendly interface on end devices (computer, tablet, smartphone) for the monitoring and control of PM (pillar 3).
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller (Projektleiter)
- Dr. Klaus Spohrer (Verbundkoordinator)
- Dr. Zhichong Wang
- Yang Zhang
- Stephanie Tutsch (TA)
Participating Institutions
- geomer GmbH
- STEP Systems GmbH
- China Agricultural University (CCAT)
- Beijing Biopute Technology Co., Ltd.
- Xianfei Agricultural Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.
- Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Power-2-protein (P2P) - A system analysis of renewable Pover2-Protein technology in Afrika: focusing on energy and nutrient supply
Project start: 01.11.2020
Project end: 31.12.2023
Project goal
Africa is facing challenges that, in the context of climate change and the current pandemic, represent a considerable hurdle on the way to a less crisis-ridden future. The efficient use of energy and food resources will pave the way for long-term solutions. The application of unused electricity and carbon dioxide resources from, for example, PV and biogas systems in combination with the renewable Power-2-Protein technology promise a significant contribution to overcome basic barriers and boost the African technology sector.
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller
- Dr. Bilhate Chala
- Dr. Klaus Meissner
Participating Institutions
- Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Tropics and Subtropics Group (440e)
- State Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioenergy (740)
- University of Tübingen
- Adis Ababa University
Spectral detection of nutrient deficiency in maize plants (German - Israeli Cooperation)
Project begin: 01.01.2020
Project end: 31.12.2021
Project goal
Maize (Zea mays L.) is a major crop on earth, and it is important to maintain food security for the ever-growing human population under climatic variability. Maize grain yields have risen by about 2% per year starting the late 1930s, and into the 21st century; 75% of the gain can be attributed to increased stress tolerance from breeding, while the remaining 25% is related to agronomical practices. Both processes can benefit from spectral nutrient assessment. In breeding experiments, response to nutritional stress can be assessed, and in commercial cultivation, detection of nutrient deficiencies, such as P or N, can support management decisions. The aim of the project is to spectrally detect nutrient content in maize plants under laboratory and field conditions. Spectral data will be obtained by hyperspectral sensors (cameras as well as point spectrometers). Moreover, standard laboratory analysis for plant nutrient content will be acquire to calibrate the models. It is expected to develop spectral assessment models of different nutrients and set the ground for future work based on the collaboration between the UHOH 440e lab and the Plant Sensing Laboratory (PSL) that is expected to be a long-term relationship.
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller
- Catalina Acuna-Gutierrez
- Alice Reineke
- Dr. Ittai Hermann (HUJI)
- Robert H. Smith (HUJI)
- Roy Sadeh (HUJI)
Participating Institutions
- Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Tropics and Subtropics Group (440e)
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
- University of Hohenheim (UHOH)
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI)
WALAMAR - Sustainable Technologies and Services for Water and Land Management in Morocco
Project start: 01.07.2019
Project end: 31.12.2022
Project goal
Morocco is considered an emerging country in the Maghreb. One of the pillars of economic development is agriculture. In a transition region to the Sahara, this development is having a massive impact on an already fragile system of land and water use. Embedded in water management strategies and socio-scientific investigations, the German-Moroccan project I-WALAMAR is developing innovative agricultural and cycle management techniques. The project is thus creating an impetus for sustainable land, water and material flow management in Morocco.
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller
- Dr. Klaus Meissner
- Dr. Sebastian Romuli
Participating Institutions
- Research Institute for Water and Waste Management at RWTH Aachen e. V. (FiW), Aachen
- Aachen University of Applied Sciences, IAP, Jülich
- International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn
- Palaterra Betriebs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, Hengstbacherhof TRAC Technik LBVGmbH, (TRAC), Wülfrath
- SEBA Hydrometrie GmbH & Co. KG, Kaufbeuren
- Université Moulay Ismail, Meknès
- Agro-pôle Olivier, Meknès
- École nationale d'agriculture de Meknès
- IAV Institut Agronomique et Véterinaier Hassan II, Rabat
- Agence du Bassin Hydraulique de Sebou (ABH Sebou), Fèz
- Régie Autonome de Distribution Eau et Electricité Meknès (RADEM), Meknès
- Bensoltana, Chaouia-Quardigha
- Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)